An Immigration, Personal Injury and Criminal Defense Attorney
Are you dealing with injuries from a motor vehicle accident or facing deportation, a contract dispute or criminal charges? Jose Sanchez Law Firm, P.C., offers experienced representation for immigration, personal injury, civil litigation, and criminal defense cases in Longview, Texas, and the surrounding areas.
I am attorney Jose Sanchez. I have spent most of my life in Longview, and I am committed to helping East Texas residents and small businesses resolve their legal issues. My priorities as a lawyer are to work hard for my clients and do everything I can to help them find a positive resolution to their legal problems.
Contact me today for a consultation about your legal issue.
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Jose Sanchez Law Firm, P.C
- East Texas Office
- 507 N Green Street
- Longview, TX 75601
- Phone: 903-758-8700
- Toll Free: 888-709-9023
- Fax: 903-758-8712
- Map and Directions
- Dallas Office
- 2911 Turtle Creek Blvd
- Suite 1400
- Dallas, Texas 75219
- Toll Free: 888-709-9023
- Fax: 903-758-8712
- Map and Directions